C8, C9, C10 - The Album
During 5 days (June 26th-30th 2023) the participants from project partners were involved in a meaningful learning experience with cross-disciplinary and multicultural views on complex skills demand posed by Industry 4.0 and digitization of workplaces.
The hosting partner: ACADEMIA DRUZBA ZA STORITVE, College of Short-Cycle Higher Education
Glavni trg 17b, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
2nd Summer School Maribor is all about
Mutual learning experiences grounded on real-life examples and innovation with regard to forward-thinking skills posed by new Business 4.0 trends. Experience sharing between five cultures (Romania, Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, and Greece) and international environment nourished with good practice exchanges between students, teachers, and trainers from project partners.
Covers the main topics of technology development, innovation, and growth in the digital economy.
Thematic sessions and practical lessons with regard to:
- Emerging technology and manufacturing 4.0, Industry 4.0 and complex social issues, Digital workplace and Business 4.0, Innovation and digital entrepreneurship, Social Innovation and Business 4.0.
- Digital learning experience to stimulate innovative pedagogical practices for knowledge exchange and intelligence skills development.
The participants highly appreciated:
• The up-to-date knowledge and learning practices in the area of Business 4.0
• Professional contacts with new generations of digital infrastructure during study visits
• The cultural diversity, practical activities, and complexity of topics the field of Industry 4.0.
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Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this communication/publication is the sole responsibility of the authors, and National Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.